As OERO, we care about the health and safety of our employees.
Domestic Violence has become more prevalent in our country.

The purpose of the Domestic Violence Workplace Principles is to raise awareness about domestic violence, offer support to employees who experience domestic violence, guide management about how to handle domestic violence and its impact at the workplace, to create a safe working environment.


Domestic Violence is using force and forceful behaviour on an individual with close relationships to gain power and control. Physical, sexual, emotional, psychological and financial abuse are considered as domestic violence.

Some of the forceful behaviours are as follows: hitting, punching, pushing, stabbing, firing a gun, slapping, threatening behaviours, nicknaming, humiliating in front of others, controlling what another person says, wears or does, controlling financial decisions, property damage and attempted provocation.
Domestic violence can occur in any racial, economic, educational and religious group inside the home, amongst, married or unmarried partners, in short- or long-term relationships.
The perpetrator or the offender is the individual who applies domestic violence as expressed above. The victim is the individual who is subjected to domestic violence.


Support Employees Who Experience Domestic Violence.
OERO will work to provide necessary knowledge, guidance and resources to the victim and other employees.
OERO will offer support to the victim in addition to guiding the victim to social organizations. All our employees will receive a call to benefit from these resources.
OERO does not provide privilege or discriminate against domestic violence victims in employment or dismissal processes.

OERO accepts that domestic violence victims might experience performance problems such as chronic absenteeism, being late to work or decreased productivity as a result of domestic violence.

When performance and safety topics are considered, the employee’s status and responsibilities are evaluated from all aspects and we work together to help solve the performance and/or safety issues of that individual.

If the performance and/or safety issues are unresolved despite all efforts, Oero might need to follow the necessary disciplinary actions.

When necessary and permitted, our company can help the victims in various ways without being limited to the following terms:

• To create a safety plan for a workplace

• To allocate special carpark

• To accompany the employee from their cars or other transportation locations

• To check phone calls and remove the perpetrator from the automatic phonebook

• To relocate the employee to a safer place

• To send the pay check to the address desired by the employee

• To organize employee social benefits in favour of the victim

• To permit the employee to take annual leave to find a new house, get consultancy and health services for safety and protection

• To offer flexible office hours and permit short-term leave with call-back guarantee.

OERO offers ....... a phone number with 24/7 (twenty-four/seven) access for violence victims to obtain resources and recommendations.

Temporary or Permanent Protection/Restriction Orders

Any court rule stating OERO’s location as temporary or permanent protection or restriction zone must be presented to the Company by each employee with an application and a copy of the court order.

Additionally, the employee must provide the following information to the Company about the perpetrator:

A photo or description of the perpetrator, the description of the perpetrator’s vehicle, licence plate and any other information that might be needed for workplace safety.

Employees Who Exert Domestic Violence or Domestic Violence Threat
An employee who exerts domestic violence or domestic violence threat by using the company resources must be dismissed and subjected to disciplinary action.

If needed, law enforcement will be called which might end with an arrest, criminal proceeding and/or investigation.

The workplace resources include but are not limited to phone, fax machine, email, mail, vehicles, office supplies and photocopy machine.

Some positions give opportunities for the employee to access certain types of information and resources.
OERO admits that the perpetrator also needs help and resources. When necessary, the perpetrator employee will be referred to therapy with the employee’s consent.


An important factor to minimize workplace violence is to identify the causes that might cause workplace violence and to have a trained workforce to cope with and notify in such cases.

OERO will develop and present informative training program about the methods and regulations to identify, minimize and intervene to such events.
Legal Sanction and RegulationOERO will cooperate with law enforcement and other public officers at the greatest extent possible.
This policy created in the company is developed by the company management and experts.